My friends and I have a secret santa exchange and I made this for my friend. Let you know it was very hard to decide what to make her because she is very crafty herself and I really needed to step up my game. I don't know if she really likes it or not, I'm afraid to look around her house to see if it is up, but I totally understand if its not...its so hard to make things for her.
So I started off with a framed board that I found at Ben Franklin and then I painted it black and then covered the inside with paper and then I cut out random size squares and rectangles, destressed the edges. I added a strip or red velvet the I added the squares and rectangles to my liking and then some swirly felt. I tucked some swirls behind the squares too.

Then I Cricuted the letters and inked the edges in red and placed them on top, I used pop dots for dimension. I added wood scrolls to both top corners and viola!
It's up! Don't be silly, I love it :) It's on my red hallway table at the moment!